
****About this journey– an overview:

From one very marked moment on September 3rd, to a parallel closing moment on September 14th… just before my birthday this year…

… ALL while working to recently complete chapters 7AB of Torus Link, and A Torus Link Guide to Elemental Eating, Volume 1 which were marathons in themselves…

I experienced a parallel marathon. One that started with me sensing an energy: a call, and a need that would have to be answered by me, and myself. What I thought was a whimsical lark of mine in the moment, i.e. to go on a ‘food tour’ and study regional produce while I was already neck-deep in work, turned out to be what I would legitimately be doing– in soul. Not with my conscious body, which still had to simultaneously be present in Austin to work on and finish everything.

So, while ((I)) stayed in Austin working ever diligently on TL’s pages and seeing to all my daily goings-on as usual, |I| shifted to go on this journey in just an ever so slightly tweaked reality where… straight up, |I| could. As |I| took this journey, ((I)) equally shoved in the time to record for myself-overall what |I| was experiencing and doing simultaneously: i.e., long, grueling car rides and plane transits and sleepless nights in the airports, for hours upon hours of page crafting.

In this way, I experienced two realities simultaneously through these 12 days. When |my| plane was leaving, for instance, ((I)) could physically the thrill of take-off, and feel the unpleasant thud of when it landed again, all as ((I)) worked.

****Uh… wait… what now? “((You))” and “|you|??” Soul and body????

Actually, this phenomenon is nothing new: out-of-body experiences. And it’s not new in a comic-sense either—

… that is, to give you a sense of context outside of just me telling you this. And yes, in Torus Link too!

Call it interdimensional aspects coming together, or else, take this all as a completely fantasized tale coming straight out of my head if you prefer. I only pose to you this: if the experiences you read here seem real enough to you to be able to happen in this world at this hour… then regardless of whether or not you think I dreamed the journey itself up… what do you make of the situation it describes?

****Okay… fine… whatever the case, I’ll go along. But even in a ‘tweaked reality’, money’s still a thing in ALL realities of this world. How could THIS ‘|you|’ do this 12-day trip without the means to afford it?

I’ll go ahead and “Life of Pi” this one– choose whichever following answer makes the best sense to you:

A.) When things are linked to go a certain way, (and others link to you for it as well), money itself equally becomes linked for a shared purpose. All of the temporally-linked strings were pulled so that in this tweaked reality, I could have just enough money to get precisely what I needed to experience at every leg of this journey– all so that I might share it with you now: no more, and no less.
B.) Specifically in this tweaked reality |I’d| stepped into, |I| had previously called into a national radio music contest and won $10,000 USD right as |I| realized |I| needed to take this trip.
C.) The world done deus ex machina’ed it up for me.
D.) If none of this is real, I can make up whatever the heck I want about it, no?

****And, how shall you post?

Roughly a month before I even considered this trip at that, I had come up with the seeds for 6 different musical compositions— 1 instrumental piece, and 5 songs— based on inner feelings I observed I held each consecutive day at that time. I had no idea they would tie with my journey at all: I put them on the shelf for the moment in mid-August, assuming I’d come back to explore them properly AFTER finishing my grueling, daunting tasks already set for TL’s story pages and guidebook.

And to that much, I wasn’t wrong; except that roughly one month later, my journey ended up being exactly 12 days precisely, and every two consecutive days of my journey, i.e. parallel “A- and B-day” pairs… aligned with the themes of each of my 6 musical compositions respectively.

In short, my musical compositions equally link with each paired set of days’ tales to tell an even deeper story throughout the full journey.

As I post each of my 12 days’ experiences in staged installments, I’ll also post each of my 6 compositions in progressive stages underneath– one post per day throughout the month of October 2024 until the journey is completely shared.

Come here everyday; follow me on my Instagram if you’d like to be notified when I’ve posted the next installment.

Use the menu at the top of this site to navigate as I upload— from there, you can either read through the fully completed days once I’ve posted them, or you can navigate to the latest installment in the series until it’s all done. As you do, you’ll be able to read what happened next in the journey and hear each paired musical composition build up to its completed version, as it grows to tell its own equally linked side of the tale.

****And… for Torus Link itself?

While I cannot at this time confirm that my journey shall stay on YP.com indefinitely once it’s been completely posted… I CAN promise that in all capacities, it returns to Torus Link. This is part of the story itself, too. So, for those of you who are fans… may you enjoy… and really, gain from what you read here, as this is where this TL Hidden Scene starts.

Day Zero – before the journey begins…